Moving again - thanks to all. In need of snow!

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Posted by Don in NH [] on Saturday, December 13, 2014 at 17:23:15 :

Hi all,

Its been way too long coming, but I finally completed my axle rebuild (which was immediately necessary after my poor man's engine rebuild) and was able to drive around the yard, looking for snow to plow (it's all crunchy ice unfortunately).

I'm really happy with the engine - starts easily (without problem at 16deg the other night), it has about 20psi after it is warmed up - this is up from nearly nothing. Sounds pretty quiet (except a squeaky fan belt), and the smoke has suddenly disappeared, or at least really lessened so wondering if the rings have set in. It will be interesting to see what the compression numbers are. So I'm really pleased with the outcome.

Next onto the transfer case, from which 90W is flowing quite liberally (front drive shaft seal seems to be in sad shape).

Anyway, thanks again to everyone for the help over the past months (if not year!).


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