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Posted by Marty on Wednesday, January 26, 2005 at 11:32PM :

In Reply to: My two wheat pennies worth. posted by Clint Dixon on Wednesday, January 26, 2005 at 9:57PM :

I can't really comment on other areas of the world but up yonder...they's rare!
You guys are in prime Power Wagon location. There just wasn't really any use for them unless you get way far away from the city & as you know, most of these trucks lead a hard life. Look at all the utility co. boom trucks you see with bent frames...the farm trucks with no floor boards & smashed windows. How many Power Wagons do you see without the roof smashed in, either from kids or hard work? How many do you see that still look like yours Clint?
Not very many. I can count them on my two hands & I still say that's rare.
There are lots of old drivers that deserve refurbishing but very few people are willing to put the hours in to make one look like new.
I'm divided...I like them both. I love to look at Wilbur or your two beauties, but when I see the beautifully restored trucks they always impress me as well.
Sorry...I'm not impressed by the truck with a few toggle switches drilled into the dash or the Chevy seats bolted in or any number of other "Character" sins.
Character is a truck that's been well looked after & when it's damaged, it's repaired. When it's fender gets folded in it gets fixed. When the seat springs are poking you in the but, you either find another nice original seat or you reupholster just like the original.
A nice Power Wagon to me is like a nice antique...nice patina, original finish & well looked after. Not the desk with initials carved into it, loose legs & joints with no bottoms in the drawers.
Some have to be restored or at the very least...refurbished.
That's my take on it.

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