E-bay Auctions

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Posted by casebro on Monday, February 24, 2003 at 9:29AM :

In Reply to: tailgate closed at $316 posted by WickEd on Monday, February 24, 2003 at 1:52AM :

I find it much easier to believe that 2 bidders wanted to pay high prices than that a seller had to play games to get his price up. I've been involved with 24 e-bay auctions and most have surprised me- either higher or lower than I expected. And when your problems are confounded by "Beeville Butthead" making spurious bids, you just never know what'll happen. Sellors just don't have to rig auctions to surprise the lurkers. And no matter what, the high bidder only paid as much as he was willing to, nobody forced him to overvalue his part. Check my feeedback if you like, I use 'casebro' on e-bay too. And I'm not afraid to give a real e-mail address either.

Chris Case, 858-481-3019

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