Re: Off topic: junk mail problem

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Posted by John Diehl on Friday, January 03, 2003 at 3:38AM :

In Reply to: Off topic: junk mail problem posted by Gordon Maney on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 at 9:33PM :

Gordon, I had a huge problem with junk mail because Verizon has little or no anti-spam trap. If you are with AOL or Earthlink you will not understand because I hear they do a good job. Anyway, the best program I found is made by Cloudmark, and its free. You join a community and everyone contributes. Since the last time I purged the trap, 279 spam caught out of 593 emails.

The other software I use is Norton Personal Firewall (Symmantic) which will allow you to isolate and keep out any mail from a particular domain or url.

Good luck!

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