Had to do it... re-listed...

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Posted by Dana on Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 1:09AM :

I know, I know. Todd said the 'planets lined up' as a sign for me not to sell. Judd's a millionaire, but won't share his vast fortunes with me. EdC would buy the whole truck... if I sold one part at a time to him (which, I'm begining to think would bring in more money!). Eric B. won't sell me the '57, says my credits no good with him. (He must know me pretty well...) So it's back on e-Bay (or e-PAY, or e-Gourge, or whatever you want to call it) maybe someone in Austrailia will want it real bad. (?) I can't seem to give it away. (...and, "No", I'm not giving it away!!) "I'm selling it for what I have in it." "Ran when parked." (Really. I parked it about two days ago.) Bid High, bid often, bid with confidence, and bid with someone else's money.


Give him a good home and offer it to me first if you ever decide to sell in the future (sort of the 'pawn-option').

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