VW Bug

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Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 18:59:53 :

In Reply to: Re: IT WAS DISASTER posted by Todd [] on Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 18:05:24 :

Not to hijack the thread, but that reminded me of another story.

Reynolds (nearest to where I live) is a small farming community. Everyone knows everyone. My Boss (where I work in the "cities") is the fire chief of the volunteer fire department in Reynolds. He was in Reynolds at the bar one evening and saw the whole think play out. I later verified the story at my wife's company Christmas party. I shared the story (everyone there was from Reynolds and knows everyone also). It was not until after I told the story that I found out that the wife of one of the board members in attendance is the daughter of the grain truck driver mentioned below. Here is the story:

So a bunch of the guys were in the bar having supper. One patron (mentioned earlier) drove his grain truck and had parked it alongside the building beside the street. One of his friends drove his VW Bug to the bar to have supper also. He parked right behind the grain truck. While they (and my Boss) were enjoying their meal, a bunch of other friends in the bar retired to the sidewalk outside and got an idea. They opened the tail rack on the truck and lifted the VW bug up and inside and the box and put the tail rack back on the truck.

Now mind you. The floor height of a grain truck bed is about 42-inches off of the ground. But the bed was probably 14 or 16-foot long - more that enough room to fit a VW bug. Once all of the side racks and tail rack are in position on the bed of the truck, one cannot see anything that is inside the box without climbing up to take a look.

So, the guys all came back inside the bar and waited for the fun to begin.

When the owner went outside, he saw that his car was missing - stolen! He called the sheriff (pre 911 days) and the off-duty deputy showed up. (He is also one of the community and he knew everyone there at the bar that evening). So while they were all trying to figure out why someone would steal this guys VW, the guy with the grain truck got the idea to take the now ex-VW owner for a ride around the town and the local countryside to see if they could find the car (thinking that someone was playing a joke on them). They drove all around for a hour or so and never saw the car, so they returned to the bar.

This is when the snickering from the buddies in the bar got to be too much for the sheriff deputy. He cleared out the bar and took them out to the grain truck and said, "Take the tail rack off of the truck." When they did, there was the VW. It had been riding in the back of the truck the whole trip around the country side.

The sheriff deputy told all in attendance that he didn't care who did it, or how they were going to get it out of there, "Just do it." And he went back into the bar.

I thought the first time I heard the story from my Boss that he was telling a tall tale. Until, I told the story at the Christmas party. The guy across the table from me turned to his wife and said, "That was your Dad's grain truck." She just nodded and rolled her eyes.

Ah, there is nothing like Goodolboy fun.


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