Gerstenslager Power Wagon information needed

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Posted by Eric B. [] on Saturday, May 27, 2017 at 10:26:36 :

I have discovered that there were several types of body made by Gerstenslager in the late 1940s and early 1950s. The most common one seems to be the Navy ambulance, but I have also been shown several versions that were shorter. There was also a version used by the Coast Guard that is a variation on the Navy ambulance with the extended frame.

If you have one of these trucks I would be interested in a picture of the government tag if you still have it. I have attached a picture of a Navy one to this post to show what one looks like. It is typically found on the glove box door, but it might be other places. I would also be interested in pictures of trucks and any factory or military literature that talks about these special bodied PWs. If any trucks still have government lettering or registration numbers those would also be interesting to see.

So far the earliest serial number I have for the Gerstenslager bodied trucks is 83918837 on a shorter one that has clamshell rear doors. The latest serial number I have is also from a shorter truck 83937405. These numbers bracket production somewhat, but I expect that there were trucks made earlier than 1950 and possibly later than 1953. Standard PWs were being built at the same time and most of the production was likely devoted to standard trucks for the civilian market.

If anyone knows why the Navy kept ordering these Power Wagon ambulances instead of ordering M43s I would be interested to hear about it.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


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