Experience with CAPTCHA

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Posted by Joe Cimoch [] on Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 06:56:54 :

One thing I know for sure; if the code doesn't take the first time, you have to reload the page to show another code. Going back and re-entering the same code will not work.

The code is not case sensitive. You can enter lower case, upper case, it doesn't matter.

You can practice on the test forum, its set up the same way http://www.dodgepowerwagon.com/newboard/index.html

I am trying to include some code to reload the captcha image with a press of a button, to avoid reloading the whole page.

I tested all kinds of browsers Chrome, IE, Firefox, and Safari on my iPhone, and they all seem to work.

For AOL users:
There is a limitation of the program with the AOL browser

"The current version sets a cookie with the users ip to compensate for AOL proxy servers that are caching images for AOL browsers. The cookie could be changed to any number which would not be dependent on the IP of the user.

The program will only work on AOL if cookies are enabled, or if you get lucky and the user gets the same IP address 2 times in a row.

The program is not written that way, because cookies do not work on every browser 100% of the time. I wanted something simple that always works regardless of the operating system or how insanely paranoid the user is to have turned off everything from cookies to java script.

The cookie was the only logical option for AOL browsers. Since they seem to have adopted a rotating IP that will make one user look like several."

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