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Posted by CSCameron [] on Thursday, December 17, 2015 at 17:08:38 :

I know I keep posting the link to these tires because I love them. I have two of them and am trying to get another set of five for my dual setup. I really hate to do this but I need to let you guys know of the trouble I am having.

I just found out today that my shipment of those five tires was stopped at the border a week and a half ago because of a new "Anti-Dumping" policy by our wonderful government. Long story short, US Customs and Border Protection (and FedEx) think these tires fall within this new policy and refused to allow the shipment to cross the border on to me. The tires were returned to the shipper. Discotech Industries now has to talk to US Customs and Border Protection to get a waiver (ruling) on these tires for import into the US. So, I am waiting to see what is going to happen. It's already been three weeks since I placed the order.

My first shipment (two months ago) of two tires was also stopped at the border for a week while Customs decided what to do. They eventually allowed them and I received them. However, I was also hit with an additional $50 "tariff" two weeks after receiving them along with a "request for information" from US Customs and Border Protection. That request is still processing after two months? I'm not sure what else, if anything, will come of it?

It's unfortunate that our government has the time and resources to police obsolete tire sizes that no US manufacturer will produce. To bad Discotech isn't in Mexico, they could just walk across the border. At least we're stopping all the terrorist tires! :)

I will keep you posted when I know more about this. I truly hope Discotech can get this resolved, I want my tires! This could potentially ruin their business selling these tires, I'm sure the market in the US is much larger than Canada.


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