Flag Thieves (off topic)

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Posted by EdC. on Sunday, September 23, 2001 at 3:53AM :

Teenagers(6-8)stole my nextdoor neighbor's flag, Old Glory, off of his house tonight. Fortunately I came out of my house in time to see them and they took off running after they knew I spotted them. The police searched the neighborhoods and found the young teenagers but the kids denied everything & they didn't have the flag on them. Each of their parents were called to pick them up and I would hope that ruined their weekend! My neighbor and I went looking with flashlights and found Old Glory a block away discarded behind some bushes. I am glad we recovered the flag! I am pissed about the teenagers disrespect. Perhaps they won't get into anything more serious as a result of their police involvement? This was the last thing I would have expected today. Hug your kids! Thanks!

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