Lost a friend

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Posted by Arthur on Shelter Island [] on Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 21:15:33 :

A few months ago, a man in his early 60's passed away from prostate cancer. he had been a strong, stocky, robust mechanic, with wide-ranging intellectual interests. A few weeks before his death, when I saw him the last time, he was very weak and debilitated.

He was a very good friend and was an enthusiastic collector of cars, trucks, antique racecars and motorcycles. He had a Honda bike collection in his living room ranging from the smallest (I think a 45cc) up to a 900cc. He collected and restored and raced esoteric European and British racers.

Even though he never really embraced the PW as a personal possession, he understtod that they are special, and he helped me with my several PW's when they became difficult to start, to stay running, or to stop drooling all over the driveway.

I miss him very much, and find myself saying "I'll call George and ask him what he thinks about..." and then it hits me -- I will never talk to him again.

Friends, please go get your damned PSA blood test. Soon. Thank you for listening.

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