Spring Fever

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Posted by Dave Horvath [] on Tuesday, September 24, 2013 at 20:57:26 :

I had the original springs on the WM300 redone locally. Last time I had a set redone, the shop added an NOS top main leaf. They didn't have anymore NOS leaves in stock so they just re-arched the original leaves.

Problem is that the old springs are just no match for the V-8 engine and heavy flatbed. from what I have heard from another shop, re-arching fatigued metal is a waste of time and money anyway. Their time, my money!

The first shop says they can build me a new set, but it will be at least Christmas, maybe later. The second shop says they can order me a new set but it will be 8-10 weeks and big bucks.

Wanting to save some time and money, I called Jens at VPWs (see next message).

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