O.T. People!

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Posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Monday, June 03, 2013 at 20:32:54 :

I drove up the road today to see how far I could get and cut the winter's logs and brush out. Part way up there was a little tamarack log that was too nice to toss over the side of the hill so I cut it up in firewood lengths and stacked it by the side of the road to pick up on the way down. Got almost to the top, was cutting some brush, and saw a guy behind me in a brand new crew cab 4x4 with fresh new knobby tires. There was some snow on the road ahead, so I figured I'd let him go first since I just had an empty truck with 2WD. Pulled off near the snow patch and watched him very gingerly and tentatively approach the snow. Thought that was kind of funny for such a good truck. Also thought it was funny that the guy didn't look at me or wave or roll down his window or anything and seemed annoyed that I was even there. So, I backed up some more to give him even more room to contemplate his approach to this little patch of snow, which only covered half the road. Of course he made it through just fine and continued on his way. I got through okay too, a lot quicker than he did, went up to the saddle, turned around and came back down. When I got to where I'd stacked the wood, it was all gone. He had local county plates, and I think I got a good look at him, so if I see him around town, I'm going to ask for my wood back. It never occurred to me to look in the back of his truck as he passed me. People!

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