Re: W500 Cab Marker Lights

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Posted by Mark Michaels on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 10:31PM :

In Reply to: W500 Cab Marker Lights posted by Gary on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 3:40PM :

the best bet is to find a really good local truck parts place with a large stock and a lot of reference books. depending on your locat1on, that may range from "relatively easy" to "impossible to find."
most of those cab markers (notice i didn't say ALL) were common to several makes of trucks, which makes the odds of finding them, new or used, a little better...
my W-500 has a special, "rescue" body on it, so i'm installing all new cab markers: five torpedo-style chrome and glass numbers i pulled off an old peterbilt in a wrecking yard. they cost me a total of $50, which is what one of those, new, costs today!

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