Hydrovac brake boosters

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Posted by Britt in Cool on Friday, November 24, 2000 at 12:14:05:

In Reply to: Hey James Fuller Deeevine posted by Britt in Cool on Friday, November 24, 2000 at 03:20:45:

I dooooo believe these units are called hydrovac boosters,,All my 500s sport this under the cab between the frame rails, massive amounts of brake lines and rubber hoses attatched to a tank type round thingy with another master plunger looking like thing on it. Are these things replaceable with any other type of thingy or can they be eliminated completly?? Or is it that if it does'nt work properly you get up to speed and hit the petal, turn white and start sweating immediatly realizing that there is a 400 foot cliff just ahead while spewing profanities like a sailor then grabbing the interior door latch and yelling to anyone else in the truck that they are on thier own, Believe me I had a brake failure once in a truck on a highway in my local area (notice I said once) This incident is what my wife said led to other failures,,,,,,mmmmm,,partially terrets syndrome and housing unwanted dodge trucks and burning myself with my cutting torch and spending way too much time in the back talking to VEHICLES as she calls them. HEY WOMEN COLLECT SHOES!!!!!!! Gimme a break!!!!mmmmmmm.......Britt.

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