Re: I have been accepting payments like that with no problems.

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Posted by Kevin in Ohio on Thursday, April 16, 2009 at 08:06:35 :

In Reply to: Re: I have been accepting payments like that with no problems. posted by Keith in Washington on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 16:31:37 :

I totally agree with you on PreyPal and the credit card companies. I can't believe it's allowed and I guess the only reason why other places don't do it is they don't have the monopoly on their market like Ebay. I would bet if Ebay had compitition, like most other stores do, they wouldn't have the manditory PreyPal thing as people would switch.

Here's irony for you. When I started out I always paid cash for everything. If I wanted something, I'd save till I had the cash and get it then. I finally decided to get a credit card for mail order stuff and got denide. I NEVER had any late or non payments for anything. I finally called them and asked why after the second try and they said I had no history. Their answer was I should take out a loan and pay it off so I'd have a "history"!

I finally had to have a bank president co sign the application before I could get one. I guess an 18 year college student with no job history looked better to them than a 26 year old with no credit dings. Amazing!

On a side note if your credit card company charges an annual fee you can get them to drop it. I've never paid an interest fee as I pay on time but they try to sneek the fee on(3 times since I opened it). I called them up and told them to cancel the card and they ask why. I told them because of the fee and they waive it every time. Always trying to nickle and dime you. Kevin

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