Polarity doesn't matter

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Posted by David Sherman on Thursday, December 15, 2005 at 4:02PM :

In Reply to: voltage regulator for 1941 WC-6 posted by Don Blair on Thursday, December 15, 2005 at 10:09AM :

For mechanical regulators. I got a new-in-box 1940's vintage Niehoff 6 volt regulator for my dozer from "Frenchy" at G&H Auto Electric in Everett. I think he just gave it to me, since it had been on the shelf forever and he didn't figure he'd ever sell it. He even put it on his tester and tweaked the voltage and current coils to what he thought would be good. Unfortunately Frenchy retired and sold out to a couple of yuppies who act like they're doing you a favor by selling you a pair of brushes.

Unless it needs to be "correct" I would suggest checking with the oldest grubbiest auto-electric shops you can find, in case there's another "Frenchy" left who would be happy to have a chance to actually tweak a mechanical regulator like they did in the old days. On mine, he set the voltage to 7.2 volts and set the current to whatever my generator was, probably 20 or 30 amps.

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