refresher course with a safe procedure

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Posted by Lyle Van Wert on October 04, 1999 at 05:34:59:

In Reply to: refresher course posted by embarrassed to say on October 03, 1999 at 15:49:22:

When charging batteries it is easy to follow a simple procedure to avoid a small disaster. When you are charging, the battery will generate hydrogen (as in Hindenberg) gas. That's why they are vented. Just be aware of this. Remember seeing that little spark when you pull off the jumper cable? To avoid makeing it in a bad spot, make sure the charger is off when disconnecting. When using cables and another vehicle/or battery--- by making your last connection with cables a hook up to a ground AWAY from the battery, on a frame for instance, should put the spark in a more harmless spot. Then make that the first disconnection when un-hooking the cables. In other words just reverse the procedure. After awhile it becomes habit at no extra work or inconvienience. Eye protection is a definate plus. It's no BS batteries do blow up on occasion. I've seen in repair shops pieces of battery shells stuck into the ceiling tile. Makes you wonder. Good luck Lyle

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