exploded coil

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Posted by Dylan on Friday, November 19, 2004 at 10:59PM :

The other day I noticed the wire from the ignition switch to the coil was almost burned in two. So I figured it was grounding out on something and burning off the insulation. Well, the other day, I accidentally left the key on, while I was eating dinner. When I came back the old coil had exploded. So I went down to NAPA and bought a coil and extra points and condenser. I installed the coil, and flipped the switch and let it sit for a few minutes. Sure enough I grabbed the new coil and it was warm. I guess what I'm asking is. When you shut the engine off, and turn the key on to accessory, to say, listen to the radio or something like that. What keeps the voltage flowing through the coil to the grounded points from causing problems with the coil and any other weak links in the electrical system? I have the manual from VPW, and the wiring diagram doesn't show any kind of apparatus to redirect it as far as I can see.
The new coil has instructions on it NOT to use with an external resistor.

Thanks in advance.

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