I think it's a great idea....

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Posted by Jonas on Saturday, June 19, 2004 at 10:50PM :

In Reply to: Swivel Frame / Rally posted by John on Saturday, June 19, 2004 at 9:55AM :

...I think you could improve upon the original design though. I think for the same amount of money you could markett a more refined version of the original swivel frame.

The original units are nessicarily crude, basicly handmade with a cutting torch and a stick welder. They work well, because they are basic and built "hell-for-stout".

Why not use the same basic original design, and think about adding a lockout mechanism, a way to set a preload on the swivel action, some type of "hidden" travel limiter. As I said, the same basic premise, just a bit refined.

Why market a "copy" of an original when you can market an improved version and call it your own?

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